The science fiction drama series Hot Skull takes place in a dystopian world. It showed a strange disease that spreads through words and looked at what occurs when a tyrannical organization goes after a linguist who is immune to the disease. The show premiered on Netflix on December 2, 2022. It was made by Mert Baykal and starred Osman Sonant, Sevket Oruh, Hazal Subasi, Kubilay Tuncer, and Arda Aranat.
Since the last season of Hot Skull came out on Netflix, fans of the show have been interested enough in the next season to do their own research. We’re here to tell you everything we know about the upcoming season of Hot Skull if you’re in the same group.
First, Hot Skull is a sci-fi drama show that takes place in a dystopian world. It tells the story of a mysterious disease that spreads through talking, and it shows what happens when a totalitarian group goes after a linguist who is immune to the disease.
Hot Skull Season 2: Renewed or Cancelled?
Even though fans were looking forward to it and had high hopes, the network just confirmed that there won’t be a Season 2 of Hot Skull. After one season, Netflix has decided to end the show Hot Skull. So, the show isn’t going to come back for a second season.
Why was Hot Skull canceled on Netflix?
There are many reasons why a show might not be renewed, but these are the ones we have heard. Hot Skull had only been in Netflix’s top 10 hourly shows around the world for one week. Between December 4 and November 11, 2023, 10.91 million hours were spent watching the show.
FlixPatrol says that the show was on the list of the top 10 shows in 17 countries, but that it was only there for a few days in most of them. Still, the show was in the top 10 in Turkey for 67 days and is still there at the time of writing, but it didn’t do well enough to get more seasons.
Hot Skull Cast
If the show is picked up for a second season, the cast and crew are likely to stay the same. In the new season, they might add some new cast members, which will end up making fans happy. Zgür Emre Yldrm, Zerrin Sümer, Gonca Vuslateri, Hakan Gercek, Yetkin Dikinciler, Barş Yldz, Erdem Akakce, Furkan Kalabalk, Arda Anarat, Cüneyt Uzu We also don’t know who will be in Season 2.
How many episodes are there in Hot Skull?
Even though the show won’t be coming back for yet another season, you still can watch it again on Netflix. As for how many episodes are in season 1, there are a total of eight. Each one lasts about an hour, and at least one of them lasts 1 hour and 10 minutes.
Where can I watch Hot Skull?
If season 2 of the show comes out, its first episode will be on Netflix.
Hot Skull Season 1 Review
Hot Skull tells an interesting story that takes place in a world hit by a pandemic. This world has been dealing with the effects of the pandemic for 8 years and is now experiencing a reality that is both different and similar to our own. With a disease that spreads through talking, the main character is a weirdo who suffers in his own way while slowly coming to terms with the fact that he is the only hope for the people.
The show shows us what’s going on with the pandemic and gives us a good idea of what the future might be like. When people with a lot of power try to take over the public and young people with a lot of anger risk their lives to stop them, the disaster for humanity has become a stage for these people.
The realistic main character will really grab your attention. He doesn’t try to save the world by being a hero but instead attempts to run away because he knows what’s coming if he does. He knows that the institute is hiding bad things and is not ready to be a test subject for these people.
On the contrary hand, the beautiful female lead will come with secrets and become the driving force behind the main character, only to let him down and surprise him in the end. I really like how the women in the show don’t just follow the men but also take the lead in their own ways. The show has a lot of messages for people who have lost a loved one and had to start over. It also shows how the powers that were hidden in the dark grew a lot during this disaster and are still around today.
Hot Skull Season 2: Is there a chance for the show to be renewed?
Since the network just recently canceled the show, we believe it’s safe to say that Hot Skull won’t be back for any more seasons. A second season of the show might not happen.