Anthem CEO Jonathan Warner Leaves BioWare After Nearly 10 Years


Jonathan Warner, Director of Anthem leaves Bioware after almost 10 years in the studio. Warner has announced it through Twitter along with a gif of Inception’s spinning top.

“Well, today is my last day at BioWare” has written Warner. “I am going to dedicate myself to new things. BioWare has been my home and I am grateful from the heart for these 10 years, I want to wish you all the best. Dragon Age, Mass Effect and Star Wars: The Old Republic are in good hands and I am not looking forward to keep playing from this side of the screen. #Thanks #BioWare “

Warner’s decision to leave comes a month after BioWare officially announced that it is no longer developing Anthem Next.

Anthem had a murky release in 2019, so BioWare revealed that they had plans to revise the title to improve the playable base and some aspects such as loot, missions, and social elements. Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the studio’s desire to focus on Dragon Age and Mass Effect, the plan was never carried out.

A new resignation from the studio, following last year’s from Casey Hudson, BioWare’s general manager and Mark Darrah, executive producer of Dragon Age 4, who also left.

Despite these changes, EA CEO Andrew Wilson said in 2020 that he is “very, very confident” in the future of the studio, which includes Dragon Age 4, Mass Effect Legendary Edition and the next entry in the same series.

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