Black widow He’s making himself wait in the middle of this situation, and it’s something that troubles Marvel fans. After many delays, and still no date due to the COVID-19 pandemic, to ease the wait we will be able to take a look at Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) who allows us to see Scarlett Johansson in action on the set, with his blue screen behind (and see what it translates into later in the movie).
You can take a look at it below:
According to recent information, that the film is released on the big screen, it remains a priority for Disney, instead of pulling a hypothetical (but possible) direct premiere on Disney + like many other products of the company, see the Marvel series.
Disney has been experimenting with different modes of broadcasting since we have been in a pandemic situation (many theaters in the United States are closed right now). They first tried offering Mulan exclusively on Disney +. But it was low at a fairly high price. And it didn’t work.