The series Titans and Doom Patrolfrom DC and produced by Greg Berlanti, will end after their current seasons on HBO Max, as announced. The news has been reported by The Hollywood Reporter, Deadline Hollywood, and Variety, and an HBO Max spokesperson confirmed the news to IGN in a statement.
“Although these will be the last seasons of Titans and Doom Patrol, we are very proud of these series and excited for fans to see their climactic finales. We are very grateful to Berlanti Productions and Warner Bros. Television for making such exciting, action-packed series. and heart. We thank Titans showrunner Greg Walker, executive producers Greg Berlanti, Akiva Goldsman, Sarah Schechter, Geoff Johns, Richard Hatem and the team at Weed Road Pictures. For Doom Patrol, we celebrate showrunner Jeremy Carver and from executive producers Greg Berlanti, Sarah Schechter, Geoff Johns, Chris Dingess and Tamara Becher-Wilkinson.For four seasons, fans have fallen in love with the Titans and the Doom Patrol, investing in their trials and tribulations, and their legendary battles saving to the world over and over again.”
Both are in their fourth season. which has been split into two parts, both of which also come from the now-defunct streaming service DC Universe.
The news comes at a time when Warner Bros. Discovery continues to take drastic cost-cutting measures, including removing a wide range of series from HBO Max and completely suppressing the Batgirl movie. DC’s film and television catalog is also being reexamined under the new direction of James Gunn and Peter Safran.
“I am immensely proud of our talented cast, crew and writing staff and their efforts in bringing all forty-nine episodes to life over the past five-plus years,” Titans executive producer Greg Walker said in a statement. “I couldn’t have asked for better partners at Berlanti Productions, Warner Bros. Television and HBO Max, and from the very beginning, Geoff Johns and Akiva Goldsman. I am incredibly grateful for their unwavering trust throughout this entire process. Lastly, I have to say thank you to our incredible fans for their continued support, commitment, and passionate community they have built around our series.We have six episodes left to unleash on the world that we hope will give our beloved characters the creative closure we all know they deserve .”
“To our wonderful and supportive partners at HBO Max, Warner Bros. Television, Berlanti Productions and DC Studios, thank you for spoiling us these past four seasons,” added Doom Patrol executive producer Jeremy Carver. “Also, what were you smoking? To our brilliant cast, indomitable crew, intrepid writing team, and most of all, our beautiful fans: thank you. You have made this a once in a lifetime trip“.