Is Cyberpunk 2077 improving after the first of its big patches? Update 1.1


CD Projekt RED has already officially launched the Cyberpunk 2077 update 1.1, the first major patch that the game receives after its launch and that comes with the intention of correcting a multitude of performance problems, bugs and stability that were condemning the game until now, especially in its versions of PS4 and Xbox One.Are these improvements noticeable? Does the title manage to overcome these problems and finally find the right way?

Has performance on PS4 and Xbox One improved?

Knowing that the versions of the game on PS5, Xbox Series X / S and, above all, PC, worked from the first moment correctly and without the performance problems affecting the experience excessively (although they were not exempt from problems), the focus is on versions for previous generation consoles. The bottom line, in short, is that Cyberpunk 2077 works much better on PS4 and Xbox One after patch 1.1, but it still does not offer a fully functional experience.

A multitude of bugs and serious performance issues have been eliminated, making the stay in Night City much more bearable. The rate of images per second has improved, as well as the details on a visual level. Many of the more annoying bugs have also been removed, although it remains to be seen if all those that avoided getting stuck in some mission or point of the game have been completely fixed. We must also bear in mind that many of these fixes seem to require starting a game from scratch., something that all players may not like.

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CD Projekt RED’s work on these PS4 and Xbox One versions looks just right with this first big patch, but update 1.1 is just the tip of the iceberg.. The studio itself has commented that it is the first step for the fixes that will continue to arrive in future updates, so the game, right now and despite this great patch, still has a lot of work ahead to offer a version without problems and at the height of the circumstances. If you were waiting to start playing it might be a good time, but waiting for future patches would also be a good decision.

Many bugs disappear but others appear

It can be common for the arrival of an update to any video game to solve many errors but, indirectly, new ones are generated. It may be anecdotal but I have experienced it myself when testing the performance of Cyberpunk 2077 after the 1.1 update in my version of the game on Xbox Series X: my character would get out of any vehicle when I pressed the accelerator button, which obviously prevented me from playing the title normally. A few reboots of the game served to fix the bug. Beyond that and after a few hours of play, I have not experienced any notable problems.

The game seems to have corrected some details and gives the impression that the number of NPCs walking around the city has been increased (although it may be pure suggestion), in addition to solving the problem of clones making it less common to meet identical characters between them every few steps. His behavior continues to be improved and some visual problems remain present. It seems that at the playable level it has also experienced a small improvement in shooting and in regards to collisions with vehicles, which is appreciated. Personally, after having been able to enjoy the game for dozens of hours, I have not experienced a very palpable improvement in the new generation version with this new patch except for the collision with these new bugs and the feeling of a small improvement in specific elements.

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Looks like Cyberpunk 2077 update 1.1 too has arrived with a new bug that prevents progress through the game, specifically during the Down on the Street mission. Here Takemura should call the protagonist by phone to provide new details that allow to continue with the main plot, but when this call occurs our interlocutor does not say a word preventing this progress. We have not been able to experience this problem first-hand, although it seems that after performing some secondary activities and waiting a reasonable time in the game, the call is produced again, this time without problems. Use this example to understand that these faults are still present, even to a lesser extent.

The future of the game, in patches and content

This first big update to Cyberpunk 2077 seems to lead the way, although the game continues to be far from offering its best face on PS4 and Xbox One.. As previously announced by CD Projekt RED, this patch 1.1 precedes patch 1.2 which will continue this line and will improve all its problems even more. During 2021 and after these performance patches, new free DLCs will arrive to the game, and in the second half of the year the arrival of the next generation update for PS5 and Xbox Series X / S is expected, truly improving the visual aspect of the work. and adapting it to the new capabilities of the consoles. Let’s remember that right now, although we play on new generation consoles, we will be playing the version of the previous console taking advantage of hardware improvements.

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Beyond 2021 no further details are known about the game that seems to have starred in one of the most controversial releases in the history of video games. Cyberpunk 2077 getting better after its first big patch? Yes, although it will be up to each player to determine if these improvements are sufficient or not. What we cannot deny is that despite this 1.1 update the studio still has a lot of work ahead of it.