“Noragami,” a popular action/drama manga, was written by a team of women writing under the name Adachitoka. When manga publisher Kodonsha put out “Noragami” for the first time in 2011 (via Anime News Network), it quickly became one of Japan’s most popular shows.
Critics liked “Noragami” for the most part during both of its seasons, and the show was able to gain a loyal fan base over the course of its run. But even though “Noragami: Aragoto” has been over for six years, fans still want more. Even though the show hasn’t been officially cancelled, it hasn’t been on for a while, and not much is known about its start date, cast, or plot. There is still a lot of information that could be used by the programme. Here’s what we do know right now about that.
Noragami Season 3
The first season of the anime series Noragami came out in 2014, and the second season, Noragami Aragoto, came out the next year. It’s an interesting and emotional supernatural show with a lot of myths and symbols from the Shinto religion of Japan. Noragami was one of the most popular manga series in Japan in the first half of 2014. It had great characters and a great relationship between the two main characters, a high school student named Hiyori Iki and a forgotten God of Calamity named Yato.
When the show came out, it was well-liked, and when the next two seasons came out quickly, Noragami became a strongly recommended anime show of the 2010s. But despite this success and the fact that the manga is still being written, Noragami has not returned back for its much-anticipated third season. Based on what happens in the original manga, which was written and drawn by two women working together as Adachitoka, here’s why Noragami is required to return for a third season.
Will there be Noragami Season 3?
We don’t know anything about Noragami Season 3 right now. But that doesn’t mean there won’t be any more episodes. It’s a 50/50 chance. It won’t get a sequel because it didn’t sell many manga copies and didn’t do well on Blu-ray sales either. The reason why there will be a second season is that there is enough source material to adapt. The third season will also be made because people want it.
The studio that worked with the first two seasons is also very busy, which is a problem. The studio behind the series, Bones, is currently making Season 6 of My Hero Academia, which is currently airing in Japan. They also have plans for a few other projects in 2023 and 2024.
Noragami Season 3 Cast
If “Noragami” ever gets a third season, fans are aware of what to anticipate from the voice actors. Hiroshi Kamiya is still set to play Yato in the third season of the show unless something big happens that changes the cast (via Myanimelist). Hiyori and Yukine, two of Yato’s friends, will still be played by Maaya Uchida and Yuki Kaji, respectively.
If “Noragami” Season 3 ever comes out, it’s likely that the main three characters, who are played by Jason Liebrecht, Bryn Appril, and Micha Solusod in the English dub, won’t change. Unfortunately, it’s not clear when the English version will come out in relation to the original. Since English dubs of episodes usually come out a few weeks after the originals, English fans may have to wait longer compared to others for season 3.
Noragami Season 3 Storyline
The word “Noragami” means “stray god,” which is exactly what Yato is. He is an oddball minor god who grants wishes for 5 yen so that one day everyone will worship him. Noragami: Aragoto told the whole story of the Bishamonten Arc, where Ebisu was reborn as a child and Yato and Bishamon put an end to their bad feelings.
There are still a lot of chapters left in the manga, enough for two or three more seasons. It looks like the Sakura Arc will be the first part of Noragami: Season 3. In this arc, Yuki helps Yato become a god of fortune who helps the people, while Hiyori learns more about Yato’s past.
Nomenclature is one of the most important parts or ideas in Noragami. Names are a very important thing. When a god turns a spirit into a Regalia, their holy weapon, they give the spirit a new name. So, the names of gods are just as important, and if a person forgets the name of a god, that god stops existing. Because of this, Yato, the main god of the series, goes out of his way to grant the wishes of the people and do odd jobs for them for the small amount of 5 yen per job.
This helps him keep some control over his short-lived existence while he works on building himself a shrine, which would make him immortal in people’s minds because there would be a place where they could worship the forgotten god. In Noragami Aragoto, we learn more about Yato’s past and what his name really means.
How many volumes of Noragami are there?
As of January 2023, 25 volumes of the Noragami manga have been published in Japan.
Noragami Season 3 Release Date
We don’t know when Noragami Season 3 will come out because it hasn’t been announced yet. If the studio tells us about season 3 next year, it could come out by the end of 2023 or the beginning of 2024.
Noragami season 3 Trailer
There are no trailers for Noragami seasons 3 or 4 because the third season hasn’t been announced yet for 2023.
Where can I watch Noragami season 3?
Crunchyroll licenced the first two seasons of Noragami, so it’s almost certain that Noragami: Season 3 will also be available to watch there. Crunchyroll has also taken over Funimation, and since Netflix doesn’t have the licence, it looks like Crunchyroll is the only choice.