Suicide Squad: David Ayer insists on releasing his version of the director after the...
David Ayer has expressed his desire to release his original version of Suicide Squad, after the successful premiere of Zack Snyder's Justice League on HBO Max.
Cyberpunk 2077: the name of the items downloadable from the Epic Games Store are...
This week, the subreddit of Cyberpunk 2077 uncovered the name of a series of downloadable items from the Epic Games Store that are supposed to be...
Final Fantasy XIV: PS5 version already has an open beta release date
Good news for fans of Final Fantasy XIV who have been enjoying the game on PS4 for many years. Square Enix has announced that,At the...
Star Wars: The Bad Remittance will begin with a special 70-minute premiere
Star Wars: The Bad Remittance it will begin its broadcast with a 70-minute premiere episode. Additionally, to celebrate this announcement, today we also have a...
Shadow and Bone: Netflix releases new trailer for its next fantasy series
Netflix has released a new trailer for Shadow and Bone, his upcoming adaptation of Leigh Bardugo's Grishaverse fantasy novels.
The last advance The eight-part series summons fans...
Sylvester Stallone confirms he’s working on a serial Rocky prequel
Sylvester Stallone has revealed, on Instagram and with all the naturalness in the world, that is writing a prequel to Rocky. It is a project...
Fortnite: Where to find and how to tame Raptors
Season 6 of episode 2 of Fortnite it is full of surprises. The last one is that now there are velociraptors prowling the map and...
Cyberpunk 2077: CD Projekt promises they won’t confuse us again … but they have...
CD Projekt yesterday staged an intense self-recognition (not to say an apology) for the disaster that communication has caused about Cyberpunk 2077. They have made...