Returnal Debuts New Gameplay, Reveals Dual Sense Features and More


Housemarque has published a new episode of its HouseCast event (a podcast in which new content is revealed about Returnal). And this time, we have not only been able to discover some of the features that this PS5 exclusive will offer, but also enjoy a new gameplay.

The video (which you can see here) focuses on explaining how the studio has transferred that direct style of play from its previous projects to the Returnal 3D environment. But it also reveals other aspects such as, for example, the use that the title will make of the characteristics of the DualSense. Thus, it has been confirmed that the game will make use of the haptic capabilities of the controller, as well as the adaptive triggers. And we will notice it with the use of each weapon.

As commented from Wccftech, which have echoed the news, Returnal will be a fast-paced third-person shooter with roguelike elements. In addition, it will be set in a dark world where the protagonist Selene is trapped in a time loop. This is the official description of Housemarque:

After a crash landing in this shape-shifting world, Selene must search through the barren landscape of an ancient civilization to escape. Isolated and alone, she finds herself fighting tooth and nail to survive. Time and time again, she is defeated. , forced to restart her journey every time she dies.

Through a relentless roguelike game, you will discover that just as the planet changes with each cycle, so do the elements at your disposal. Each loop offers new combinations, forcing you to push your limits and approach combat with a different strategy each time.

The dark beauty of the decaying world around you, brought to life by stunning visuals, is packed with explosive surprises. From high stakes, bullet-filled combat, to visceral twists and turns through harsh and contrasting environments. You will explore, discover and fight your way through an unforgiving journey, where mystery stalks your every move.

Designed for extreme replayability, the procedural world of Returnal invites you to dust yourself off from defeat and face new evolving challenges with each rebirth. “.

Remember that if there is no delay that prevents it (and from what they show us, it does not seem that it will be the case), Returnal will arrive on PS5 on March 19, 2021, with a world premiere. Without a doubt, the most ambitious Housemarque game (which this past 2020 turned 25 as a studio) to date.

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