Sweet Home is a South Korean horror streaming TV show that is based on the same-named Naver webtoon by Kim Carnby and Hwang Young-chan. Kim Young-kyu is in charge of making the show. On December 18, 2020, the first season was put up on Netflix. It has been made up of a total of ten episodes. The audience liked the show a lot in the first four weeks after it came out, and it was in the top 10 on Netflix in more than 70 countries. Because of this, the people who make the show have decided to keep it going for 2 more seasons.
Sweet Home Season 2
The post-apocalyptic horror show Sweet Home (, RR: Seuwiteuhom), which stars Song Kang, Lee Jin-wook, and Lee Si-young, is available to stream in South Korea. The first episode of the Netflix show came out on December 18, 2020. It was based on the same-named Kim Carnby and Hwang Young-chan Netflix webtoon, which had more than 2.1 billion net views. The second season is scheduled to come out in 2023.
The second and third seasons are already in the works. Also, Sweet Home is the first South Korean show to reach number 3 on Netflix’s list of the top 10 shows in the United States. If you’re one of those people who can’t wait for the next season of a show to start, we’re here to tell you everything we know about the next season of Sweet Home. Here’s everything you require to know about Season 2 of Sweet Home.
Sweet Home Season 2 Plot
Studio Dragon is in charge of making Sweet Home. The second season will start where the first one left off. In the first episode of the first season, Cha Hyun-soo (Song Kang), a sad high school student whose family died in a car accident, moves into 1410 in Green Home. There, strange things started happening around him, which scared him. He found that some of the people who lived in the apartment had turned into horrible monsters. People who are stuck inside the apartment building know that monsters are everywhere outside. Cha Hyun-soo and his neighbors tried to stay alive together.
While some people are trying to get out of the building, a mysterious man with a scar on his face named Sang-Wook (Lee Jin-wook) tries to take Park Yu-ri (Go Yoon-jung), who is having an asthma attack, outside. Yu-ri is an older person who takes care of others and appears to have undergone some training as a medical care worker. She has bad asthma. But Ui-myeong stops them. She won’t let them go because she knows that the military will kill them during Operation Golden Hour.
Ui-myeong thinks that people and monsters can’t live together. He also says that he is the only member of the church who is still alive and that he ended up joining the mercenaries to hide his identity. Ui-myeong starts shooting and kills two survivors. He is only stopped when Hyun-Soo turns into a monster. Du-Sik gives up his life to make Hyun-Soo feel better.
In Sweet Home Season 2, Sang-wook and Yu-ri could get closer to each other. Sang-wook was discovered dead in the pool, yet it’s not evident if he will turn into a monster. It’s also not clear how well the army will protect the people who are still alive from the monsters. The second season of Sweet Home will also explain how Cha Hyun-soo stays alive. Is Lee Eun-hyuk, the student in medicine, dead or alive? In Sweet Home, Lee Eun-hyuk was buried under the broken apartment building. Will the military be able to stop the people who are still alive from turning into monsters? The k-drama might also get some new actors.
Sweet Home Season 2 Cast
As of right now, we don’t know who will be on the official cast list for the second season of Sweet Home. Also, we think it’s probably safe to guess that most of the show’s main characters and regulars will be back for another season. Keeping that in mind, take a look at the possible cast for the season below:
- Song Kang as Cha Hyun-soo
- Lee Jin-wook as Pyeon Sang-wook
- Lee Eugene, as well as young Pyeon Sang-wook
- Lee Si-young as Seo Yi-kyung
- Go Min-si as Lee Eun-yoo
- Park Gyu-young as Yoon Ji-soo
- Yu Oh-seong as Sergeant Tak In-hwan
- Oh Jung-se as Dr. Lim
- Kim Mu-yeol as Kim Young-hoo
- Jung Jin-young as Park Chan-young
How many episodes are there in Sweet Home Season 2?
If the showrunner decides to make the next season of Sweet Home, it could have ten or more episodes, just like the last two seasons did. So, the next season should have at least ten episodes.
Sweet Home Season 2 Release Date
Netflix announced with a teaser that Sweet Home will be back for a second season (and a third!) in June 2022. On January 17, the streaming service announced that the long-awaited season 2 of Sweet Home will debut around the world in the last three months of 2023.
Sweet Home Season 1 Review
Mixed things were said about Season 1 of Sweet Home. Some critics said that the drama was too slow and boring, while others said it was a great horror show with a lot of scary scenes. Since Season 2 of Sweet Home hasn’t come out yet, it’s difficult to predict how fans will feel about it.
Even though Sweet Home got good reviews, there’s currently no news about whether or not it will be renewed for a second season. Before renewing a show, Netflix makes sure that its viewers like it. It will be a long time before our show comes back. Some people can’t work because of the chaos caused by COVID-19.
In the Sweet Home show, there are several endings that aren’t finished, which makes people curious. What will happen to Sang-Wook (Lee Do-hyun), the man who have seen death in the pool? Lee Eun-hyuk (Lee Do-hyun) was found buried under the rubble of the apartment complex. It’s not clear if he’s still alive or not. Will the military be capable of preventing the survivors from becoming monsters?