The third DLC of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot will focus on the story of Trunks of the future


The great lovers of Dragon Ball Z (the series), it is very likely that they have already enjoyed Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, Bandai Namco’s RPG that strictly follows the anime’s story. Whether it is your case, or if you still have the title on the wish list, today’s news interests you.

Bandai Namco just announced the third major story DLC for the game. And it will focus on a story that fans of the series will remember with great fondness: the story of Trunks from the future. That alternative – and apocalyptic – version in which only he and Gohan (adult) survive the arrival of the androids on Earth. To begin, below you have the official announcement trailer for this content.

As you can see, the downloadable content will be called Trunks The Warrior of Hope. And as Bandai Namco has commented and Twitter (You can see the message below), this third DLC will arrive at the beginning of this next summer of 2021.

What is still not clear is whether we will only experience the events of the Trunks movie of the future (Dragon Ball Z: The last Z Warriors Gohan and Trunks), or if we can also enjoy that final moment of that story (already in the series), in which that same stronger Trunks returned to his timeline to fix things and destroy the androids and Cell.

Finally, as you can also see in the trailer, Bandai Namco has confirmed that this content can now be reserved, both on PS4 and on Xbox One and PC, as well as the incentives that players will receive for it. You can see it on the official page, here.

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