『iPlay, iLearn Electronic Boxing Toys, RC Fighting Robots, Kid Board Games,【2024年最新】 』はヤフオクでから04月18日 03時 05分に出品され04月18日 03時 05分に終了予定です。即決価格は8,316円に設定されています。現在201件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。徳島県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
商品名 | iPlay, iLearn Electronic Boxing Toys, RC Fighting Robots, Kid Board Games, Wrestling Battle Bots, Interactive Punching Boxer, Indoor Sports Playset, Cool Birthday Gift 3 4 5 6 7 8-12 Year Old Boy Teen |
ブランド名 | |
商品コメント | VS Player This is a super interactive toy. Turn the machine to Switch 2 and your child can play a fun game together with adults or their friends. A fun, competitive and additive game of strategy, skill and chance. Provide your kids more exciting leisure time and release the excess energy of the child. br VS Machine You can also play in single-player mode versus the machine by switching to Switch 1. It s a great way for your child to release extra energy on his own. There are 5 levels of difficulty in single-player mode combat, beat each level and move on for a more difficult challenge. In single-player mode, Position 1 is for the machine and Position 2 is for the player. br So Many Uses You will want to take this everywhere Have a good time at your home, office, travel or anywhere, anytime---- The toy can be set on any desktop, tabletop or floor to play. Have fun and enjoy this boxing game at any time with a battle activity that is perfect for kids, children, adults, and anyone. Bring excitement to you, your kids and the whole family. br Easy Assemble Insert the boxer heels first into the empty slot in the base. Then, push the front down as well. To remove the boxer, simply pull his head back and he will pop out of the base. 4 AA batteries required battery compartment is located on the underside of the base. br Gift Choice Great as a party game, for indoor games, lawn games, camping games, Christmas games and even tailgating games. Warmly gift for birthday parties, festivals and holidays (Children’s Day, Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving & New Years). Give your child a gift that creates endless happy moments. |
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