Home Entertainment Nintendo Switch Online adds new NES and SNES classics

Nintendo Switch Online adds new NES and SNES classics

Nintendo Switch Online adds new NES and SNES classics

Retro time, and this time please don’t let anyone turn on because Earthbound is not named. Let’s be positive, in fact: just as Nintendo prepares us a surprise of those that will raise our sugar and we end up buying titles at great length, shouting with joy on social networks and calling our (best) friends by WhatsApp by cute names : Nintendo adds new NES and SNES games to the Nintendo Switch Online service. Do you want to know which ones? Let’s go there:

  • Psycho Dream
  • Doomsday Warrior
  • Prehistoric Man
  • Fire ’n Ice

Have you played any of them at the time? Probably those most versed in these consoles do know them, Doomsday Warrior being one of the milk games that has sounded the most on the networks over the years; but it is also a great opportunity for the youngest (or less, or who did not try it) to immerse themselves in the middle of 1982 with Fire’N Ice and its puzzles and colorful proposal that will make the player think, or in the platform of Prehistorik Man, full of color and that also came in an adorable adaptation to the Nintendo Game Boy.

Source: Comicbook