Tom Holland ensures that the next movie of Spider-Man from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (as yet untitled) is the most ambitious solo superhero film made to date in an interview with Variety.
“I can say this is the most ambitious solo superhero movie ever made,” Holland said in the magazine. “If you sit down and read the script you realize what they want to do, and they’re getting it done. It’s really awesome. I’ve never seen a solo movie of a superhero like that. And I’m … well, you know, a Little shit who’s lucky to be Spider-Man. We have a lot to shoot yet. We started before Christmas and filmed for about seven weeks. We stopped over the Christmas holidays, and started again. I’m just as excited as everyone else to see it. . “
Holland’s comment would confirm theories that Spider-Man 3 would somehow jump into the multiverse (Spider-verse?) In his plot, including actors from different incarnations of the franchise. We would talk about Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield, the previous Spider-Man actors, in addition to Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) although Disney has refused to confirm the rumor that we will see them. Who will be is Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange. Alfred Molina will reprise his role from Spider-Man 2 (2004) as Doctor Octopus and Jamie Foxx will be Electro again (as in Amazing Spider-Man 2).
Charlie Cox (Daredevil) could also appear in the cast, as he would have been seen on the set, but the news has not been confirmed.
Hollan has said that filming for Spider-Man 3 stopped over the holidays, but they will be back soon.